So here goes a quick overview/best of....
54 days, 6,561 miles, 11 states, 2 countries, 7 days skiing, 35 different types of fish eaten, 9 family members, 7 friends we stayed with, 24 koozies, 1 crazy girlfriend, 29 different places we stayed, the entire west coast of the United States, 1 Super Bowl, 2 museums, 3 wine tastings, no flat tires, many PTI episodes, 1 tree house slept in, 4 laundry days, 1 zoo, 2 NBA games attended, 1 atlas, 1 GPS, Sirius Radio, 6 items Sarah stole, 2 bike rides, 1 Golden Gate bridge, 3 ferry rides, 1 broken muffler, 15+ different beers drunk, 1 time pulled out of a ditch, too many lessons learned, 1 sports wagon, 2 snow shoes, 1 roller blade along the strand, first jog since knee surgery, 1 Madri Gras celebration, 3 of the top public golf courses in the country, 1 bump into Jimmy Kimel, 1 crazy boyfriend, 5 wild animals, 1 southern couple we snow mobiled with, 20+ bald eagles, 44 blog posts, 25 blog followers, 1 Mrs. Semel, 4 BIG fights, and.........
We still love each other