January 21, 2009 - On the eve of our departure from the great state of Montana I feel it is my duty to share some parting thoughts. One - Montana is a summer state. I say this with the utmost respect for the place but facts are facts and this state is asleep in the winter time. From our drive from Bozeman all the way up to Whitefish Lake we have past numerous restaurants, bars, and shops all closed for "winter hours". The place looks like an absolute paradise, and I can't wait to get back here in the summertime, but I feel like I need some kind of refund for all the missed opportunities. Two - Montana has a berry called the Huckleberry that grows exclusively here in the state above 4000ft altitude (so I have been told). They make jams, preserves, ice cream, tea, chocolates, syrup, pies, vodka, etc... out of it. The closest berry that can compare to the huckleberry is the blueberry but it is not nearly as tart. This berry might be the best of all the berrys out there so get your hands on some if you can. Three - Skiers at Big Mountain ski like they are GS skiing. It is really weird but it needs to be experienced to understand what I am talking about. The GS style skiing and the fact that they where the butt flaps. Supposedly a ski patrol invented this butt flap to protect skiers legs and butts from the cold when sitting in the chairlift. It straps around the waist like a fannypack and hangs down past the knees. Having been a skier for 24 years and skiing all around the world I can honestly say this is one of the dumbest slash softest inventions ever. My only regret is not having a picture to share with all of you so you too can understand how soft this invention is. This is the closest thing I could find on the Internet to what it actually is.
http://www.snowshack.com/detail/SNW+HB-01257+ML_Hot+Buns+Butt+Warmers The only difference is the flap is a single piece of fabric that hangs loosely off the back of the waist. I have said my piece. Montana is a great state but I just think it would be a better place to visit in the summer time since more stuff is open and you don't have inversions to deal with.
So on our last day Sarah and I went for a quick snowshoe in Glacier National Park. Due to the inversion we were unable to get any sun and hence we froze our a$$'s off (it was 18 degrees). We really didn't take any good pictures because there was no sun but we did walk along a river and in the river a beaver must have lived because there were a bunch of downed trees. I have seen this before but I thought I would share the picture with you all in case you haven't seen a downed beaver tree.

On the way home we saw this ranch with this HUGE eagle sculpture on top of the entrance. We both thought it was pretty cool.

And finally here is our wonderful dinner from the night. We were exhausted so after some laundry, a great hot tub session, and a few beers Sarah made this little gem. It was FANTASTIC

- I walk the line.
24 years of skiing all around the world and you still are on the blues....I see that terrain.